Our Vision

To be a global conformity assessment company securing reliable trade and making the World a better place.

Our Mission

To have continuously improving and sustainable business manner which follows technical and legal requirements, puts people at the center, closely follows and applies technological developments.


About Us

Malta Conformity Assessment Ltd. is founded in 2019, under Malta Conformity Assessment Holding Ltd., in Malta for performing 3rd party Conformity Assessment Activities.

Malta Conformity Assessment Holding Ltd. is owned by Szutest Uygunluk Degerlendirme A.S

Malta Conformity Assessment Ltd. through the group of companies it belongs to, brings a knowledge of 15 years in the industry with wide range of services including many testing infrastructure.  As 2020 MCA initiated application for notification as a Notified Body under (EU)2017/745 and aims to provide this service worldwide.